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Paul Ryan's $1.50 tweet raises more than $150,000 for Randy Bryce's campaign
Shortly after House Speaker Ryan deleted his tweet touting a secretary’s $1.50 pay increase as proof of his tax bill’s success, the Randy Bryce for Congress campaign encouraged people to express their disapproval of Ryan’s tax reform by donating $1.50 to help Bryce defeat Ryan.
In the 48 hours after the tweet was deleted, the Bryce campaign raised more than $150,000 from 12,253 individual donations across all 50 states.
Nearly half of those contributions — 5,800 — were for $1.50.
The average contribution was $12.39.
Nearly $50,000 was pledged in recurring donations through the election.
“Speaker Ryan believes this tax bill will help him and other Republicans get reelected in November, but the overwhelming support we received shows that people across the country are unsurprisingly opposed to giving millions in tax breaks to billionaires,” said campaign Bryce's communications director Lauren Hitt.
Moments ago, @PRyan deleted this tweet after we told him just how out of touch he was. Show Paul Ryan what you think of his tax bill. Chip in $1.50 now to help us repeal and replace Ryan permanently this November.
— Randy Bryce (@IronStache) February 3, 2018
“Unfortunately, it’s not just the speaker’s tweets that are out of touch. Just last week, the speaker renewed his call to pay for the Kochs’ $1.4 billion tax cut by cutting Medicaid. It’s clear that after 20 years in D.C., Ryan is now representing the wealthy and the well-connected, not the hardworking people of the 1st District of Wisconsin.”
Bryce is running for the Democratic nomination to challenge Ryan in the midterm election this November.
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The previous federal tax system was certainly a mess except for what the Republicans have replaced it with. Eliminating state and local income and property tax deductions will be a rude awakening for wage earners in high-tax states. These self-styled tax reformers have designed any middle-class tax breaks to expire in eight years while preserving those for corporations and the rich. The backdoor repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate included in the law, in order to keep the cost from exceeding the mandated $1.5 trillion dollar spending cap, will leave 13 million Americans uninsured. This new tax plan is a boon for big companies and the one percenters but a bust for everyone else. The GOP is claiming tax reform when in fact they are really giving an unneeded bonus to the wealthy while taxing the patience of the rest of us.
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