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A new, first of its kind poll commissioned by the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce and conducted by Public Policy Polling shows that a strong majority of Wisconsinites are opposed to discrimination among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in Wisconsin.

In the survey, conducted earlier this month, 62 percent of Wisconsinites believe that discrimination against transgender individuals is wrong and should be illegal.

“People in Wisconsin believe that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity” said Jason Rae, president and CEO of the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce.

The survey also found that 63 percent of people believe Wisconsin’s non-discrimination laws should be updated to protect transgender individuals.

“Wisconsin was the first state in the nation to pass a law protecting against discrimination in 1982 based on sexual orientation, but it did not include gender identity and expression protections,” said Rae. “This poll shows that there is strong support to amend Wisconsin’s 1982 non-discrimination law to protect transgender individuals from discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations.”

In addition, the poll also found that 59 percent of people believe that businesses do not have a right to discriminate against LGBT people based on so-called “religious freedom” grounds. A majority of respondents also said that they would be less likely to spend money at a business that discriminated against LGBT people.

“It’s clear that a majority of people believe it’s wrong to discriminate against someone simply because of who they are or who they love,” said Rae. “We know from first-hand stories, and now this poll, that consumers — both LGBT and straight — want to do business with those that share their values. The Wisconsin LGBT Chamber will continue to make sure we are doing everything we can to create a stronger welcoming and inclusive business community in our state.”

For more information, visit wislgbtchamber.com.

(1) comment


63% you say, where was this survey taken? Not meant to be rude here.. I am a trans woman who lives in southeast Wisconsin. My personal experiences here feel more like that number is in the single digits %. I've been discriminated against in every part of my life. I believe there are only three counties with laws that protect trans from discrimination, im not lucky enough to live in one of them. I could write a horror book about my experiences in Wisconsin. If you have trans children and live in Wisconsin, please run for their sake.

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