Manchester United – Chelsea. Tancredi Palmeri’s prediction (VIDEO)

17:30, Dec 28 2015
17:30, Dec 28 2015
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Manchester United – Chelsea is the game of fear and non-confidence. Normally, we would analyze tactics, we would analyze the key players. But this time, more than anything else, everything is about the fear of not losing. A fear that Blues’ players have really overcome. It’s not like they became most powerful, but with Mourinho leaving and Hiddink coming, that fear has been left behind. United got it: a negative result for them would almost surely mean van Gaal out. Watch out: Manchester United are strong at home; Chelsea are very weak away…Stats are exactly the opposite, but this is a completely different case. So, they will start very blocked, Manchester United. They know that one mistake could be enough. Because of the blocked start there will probably be a draw in the first half – it’s 2.00 at Ladbrokes.

Single: Won
Premier League
17:30/28 dec
Manchester United – Chelsea
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